Nerikomi Catch Alls

ICA North

Friday, September 13
11:00 am–2:00 pm

Four-day Nerikomi Workshop

Class Schedule

Fridays from 11am – 2pm


September 6, 13, 20, 27


$195 per person, 10% discount for members, high school/college students


Unveiling the Technique of Colored Clay Patterns and Gold Luster

This is a comprehensive four-session Nerikomi course, where students will learn the intricate art of staining porcelain and using colored clay to craft stunning patterns and one-of-a-kind pieces. The class will cover all aspects of the technique from coloring and preparing porcelain, learning how to build a variety of patterns and learning how to form and structure pieces. This course is designed for both beginners and intermediate ceramic enthusiasts incorporating a selection of hand-building techniques as well as tips for wheel-throwing with the patterns.

Teaching Artist

Isra Basurto

About the Teaching Artist

I was first introduced to ceramics by an Anthropologist in Mexico City when I was 16. I signed up for a clay class which I thought would involve making and firing ceramics but instead it focused on grinding wild clay under the sun in order to prepare the material and primitive hand-building techniques. Despite all this and not having any kilns to fire the pieces it somehow ignited my interest. It wasn’t until I moved to California a year later that I was introduced to stoneware and porcelain and ceramics turned into a passion. I devoted my university final project to a ceramics solo exhibit and went on to a ceramics program in Valencia, Spain afterwards. Throughout the years I have continued exploring a fusion of primitive techniques with refined materials which I find fascinating. I like modifying clay bodies with ceramic stains and aggregates, crafting with a blend of primitive techniques and other practices like nerikomi, and adding finishes like sprayed glazes and gold-luster.

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*Members receive 10% off. Learn more about membership here.

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